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Frequently Asked Questions

What's on the Report Card?

What are my kids learning today?


Core Standards- This is a great site to see the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for your grade level and others. (Click the button that says "Read the Standards")

Why do you not have homework?

This is probably one of the main questions I have received the last couple years of not doing homework. This is going to be a short response, though I have been moving in this direction for many years.


[NOTE: All my students should be reading or be read to every day]


While I do not agree with some of the things he writes, Alfie Kohn, wrote a book quite a while ago suggesting that homework did not have much effect on our students and, in many cases, it would often damage a child's view of school, homework, and even straining the parent relationship. (I know this first had, seeing it with my girls).


One difficulty I have encountered is that HW provided a way for parents to see what their child was working on and how they can help them. One of the tools I use to help with this piece is Seesaw. It allows kids to share their learning and provide a communication piece for parents and children. If you are not signed up, please send a note with your child or on Remind.


Another huge reason for not assigning homework is that it gives kids a chance to still be kids. Below the video, there are things to do instead of homework...basically things things we used to do when we were younger- play, build, create, connect with others, and wonder! BE A KID!


Here are some resources you can look into as well. 

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